Blog Timeline2024Recap 2024: Public Speaking, blogging, interviews, tech community work and other things 20-Dec-2024 10:12:45 . 10 min read Enhance Your CV, LinkedIn, and GitHub Profile with Gemini 2.0 - Stream Realtime [includes video] 16-Dec-2024 10:12:45 . 5 min read How to Upsert Data in Postgres Using INSERT ON CONFLICT UPDATE 14-Dec-2024 10:12:45 . 9 min read How to use environment variables from a .env file in Node.js 24-Nov-2024 12:11:45 . 8 min read A Beginner's Guide to Comparing Dates in JavaScript 01-Nov-2024 12:11:47 . 14 min read How to Read a JSON File Using Node.js 30-Oct-2024 08:10:47 . 10 min read Unblocking Software Engineers: Overcoming Non-technical and Technical Roadblocks 12-Oct-2024 09:10:37 . 8 min read How to mock Date in Jest: the easiest way without installing any extra NPM package 26-Sep-2024 08:09:37 . 9 min read How to create a YouTube video chapters' timings generator using Gemini over Vertex AI 06-Sep-2024 08:09:37 . 7 min read How to insert multiple rows in Postgres using two useful methods 14-Aug-2024 09:08:37 . 10 min read Kubernetes Lens: the simple yet powerful K8s IDE 08-Aug-2024 11:08:37 . 8 min read How to use query params in Nest.js a practical step-by-step guide 30-Jul-2024 11:07:37 . 9 min read How to Use Jest each to Get More Code Coverage with Less Test Code 06-Jul-2024 11:07:37 . 11 min read A Beginner's Guide to Using Deno with Docker and Docker Compose 04-Jul-2024 09:07:37 . 8 min read JavaScript Try Catch: A beginner-friendly introduction with useful examples 23-Jun-2024 11:06:37 . 9 min read How to rename a column in Postgres, from a simple to a real-life example 26-May-2024 11:05:37 . 7 min read How to use RabbitMQ with Docker and Docker Compose; a beginner’s guide 08-May-2024 11:05:47 . 6 min read How to create an e-commerce product description generator using Gemini and Vertex AI 29-Apr-2024 10:04:47 . 10 min read Getting started with Docker-compose, a quick tutorial 27-Apr-2024 11:04:47 . 8 min read Docker for beginners: a guide to understanding the core concepts 21-Apr-2024 11:04:47 . 7 min read How to use Nginx with Docker Compose effectively with examples 16-Mar-2024 11:03:47 . 10 min read How to use docker compose depends_on a beginner's guide 27-Feb-2024 11:02:47 . 11 min read How to create a text summarizer API using Gemini on Vertex AI with Node.js a step-by-step guide [Part 2] 22-Feb-2024 12:02:42 . 14 min read How to create a text summarizer using Gemini over Vertex AI with Node.js a step-by-step guide [Part 1] 21-Feb-2024 12:02:42 . 12 min read How to use Google Cloud Shell Editor to deploy a project from GitHub to Cloud Run 22-Jan-2024 12:01:42 . 9 min read How to Use Enums in TypeScript for Cleaner Code 02-Jan-2024 12:01:42 . 7 min read 20232023 year in review: Blogging, public speaking, interviews, building communities, etc 26-Dec-2023 12:12:53 . 11 min read Good software engineering is about finding a solution at the correct layer with boring technology 21-Dec-2023 12:12:53 . 7 min read How to write and deploy a basic Node.js API with Duet AI on VS Code a step-by-step guide 18-Dec-2023 12:12:52 . 9 min read Jest mock implementation: A beginner’s guide to replacing function implementation for tests 25-Nov-2023 11:11:54 . 12 min read How to use Axios with Typescript a beginner’s guide 07-Nov-2023 11:11:57 . 9 min read How to use the string_agg function in Postgres with examples 27-Oct-2023 11:10:57 . 12 min read There are like nine actual full-stack engineers in the world, and you are NOT one of them 21-Oct-2023 11:10:57 . 9 min read A beginner's guide to retrying failed requests with Axios Retry 26-Sep-2023 11:09:57 . 9 min read How to Use LIMIT in Postgres Delete in two roundabout ways 14-Sep-2023 11:09:52 . 7 min read Setting up environment variables in Docker Compose an almost complete guide 28-Aug-2023 11:08:57 . 10 min read A beginner's guide to type casting in TypeScript with examples 05-Aug-2023 11:08:57 . 9 min read How to Use PostgreSQL COALESCE effectively with examples 29-Jul-2023 10:07:52 . 10 min read How to undo a git rebase, a beginner's guide with an easy example 22-Jul-2023 11:07:52 . 7 min read How to craft your junior software engineer resume the right way 03-Jul-2023 11:07:52 . 14 min read How to use environment variables in Next.js (includes a working example app) 29-Jun-2023 11:06:52 . 13 min read A beginner's guide to running Elasticsearch with Docker and Docker Compose 08-Jun-2023 12:06:52 . 12 min read A beginner's guide to using React Toastify with code examples 14-May-2023 12:05:52 . 15 min read How to use ON DELETE CASCADE in Postgres with an example 29-Apr-2023 12:04:52 . 10 min read How to use class names NPM package to add multiple class names to a React.js component 17-Apr-2023 12:04:52 . 20 min read A comprehensive guide to Serverless Containers includes 3 services to run them 11-Apr-2023 12:04:52 . 15 min read How to run MongoDB with Docker and Docker Compose a Step-by-Step guide 29-Mar-2023 12:03:52 . 9 min read A step-by-step guide to using Inquirer.js for creating a CLI app in Node.js 25-Mar-2023 12:03:57 . 18 min read How to use React fragments, a step-by-step guide for beginners 28-Feb-2023 12:02:57 . 11 min read 5 similarities between software systems and being married (read with a pinch of salt) 22-Feb-2023 11:02:55 . 8 min read How to use LIKE in PostgreSQL a beginner’s guide with practical examples 17-Jan-2023 11:01:55 . 11 min read How to use Next.js with Docker and Docker compose a beginner's guide 08-Jan-2023 12:01:55 . 8 min read 2022Review of 2022: Recap of blogging, talks, an interview, and other things 25-Dec-2022 12:12:47 . 11 min read A beginner’s guide to using TypeScript Record Type with examples 20-Dec-2022 11:12:55 . 10 min read How to use Axios interceptors, a step-by-step guide with example 02-Dec-2022 11:12:52 . 11 min read A beginner’s guide to parse and create XML with Node.js 27-Nov-2022 10:11:52 . 20 min read Using Axios timeout to make your application more efficient 19-Nov-2022 11:11:55 . 14 min read How to create a React search bar a step-by-step guide 29-Oct-2022 11:10:55 . 14 min read How to use NPM Chalk to colorize and format your console output 11-Oct-2022 11:10:53 . 7 min read How to run multiple NPM commands simultaneously using concurrently 19-Sep-2022 12:09:52 . 14 min read 101 software engineering realities you must be aware of (especially as a junior engineer) 09-Sep-2022 12:09:32 . 14 min read Things tech recruiters look for in your resume and first interview part 3 30-Aug-2022 12:08:32 . 15 min read Node.js alternatives: Exploring Deno and Bun (with code examples) 18-Aug-2022 12:08:32 . 12 min read How to wait 1 second in JavaScript (using setTimeout, Promise, and Delay) 05-Aug-2022 12:08:32 . 10 min read Two useful ways to easily run a single test using Jest 30-Jul-2022 12:07:32 . 14 min read Using Jest toHaveBeenCalledWith for testing primitive data types and partial objects 29-Jul-2022 12:07:42 . 17 min read How to add days to a date in JavaScript (with code examples) 26-Jul-2022 19:07:35 . 6 min read JavaScript: Return multiple values from a function call with code examples 23-Jul-2022 11:07:35 . 6 min read How I run one of the world’s top 320K websites for free 22-Jul-2022 11:07:45 . 11 min read How to use JavaScript Promise.all with real-life code example 01-Jul-2022 11:07:45 . 14 min read Using Jest beforeEach to write better unit tests in JavaScript, with code example 18-Jun-2022 08:06:45 . 13 min read How to use TypeScript optional parameters with example code 12-Jun-2022 06:06:45 . 6 min read 10 useful Docker commands to get things done with a real-life example 14-May-2022 11:05:45 . 23 min read How to append contents to a file using Node.js 26-Apr-2022 11:04:55 . 8 min read Using Node.js readline to create a basic CLI app with Async await example 25-Mar-2022 11:03:55 . 8 min read How to use MySQL with Docker and Docker compose a beginners guide 19-Feb-2022 11:02:55 . 16 min read 3 efficient ways to generate UUID in Node.js 09-Jan-2022 11:01:55 . 8 min read Using Redis with docker and docker-compose for local development a step-by-step tutorial 02-Jan-2022 11:01:55 . 8 min read 20212021 year in review: Recap of blogging, an interview, talks, and other things 27-Dec-2021 11:12:52 . 7 min read Postgres with Docker and Docker compose a step-by-step guide for beginners 25-Dec-2021 11:12:55 . 9 min read How to use JavaScript set type, a beginner's guide 21-Dec-2021 10:12:45 . 6 min read How to read and write CSV files with Node.js 30-Nov-2021 11:11:45 . 9 min read The difference in mindset needed for a stable software product vs a new feature/project 27-Nov-2021 11:11:45 . 6 min read Node.js SQLite: Build a simple REST API with Express step-by-step 29-Oct-2021 10:10:35 . 17 min read 4 ways to read file line by line in Node.js 08-Oct-2021 10:10:35 . 14 min read The final guide to web scraping with Node.js 18-Sep-2021 10:09:35 . 12 min read How to use RabbitMQ and Node.js with Docker and Docker-compose 29-Jul-2021 11:07:35 . 19 min read Tech career advice: 7 resources you must exploit today 10-Jul-2021 12:07:35 . 9 min read A mini tech startup (side project) that earned in terms of life-changing first full-time tech jobs, not money 27-Jun-2021 12:06:35 . 10 min read How to use Node.js and Redis cache to speed up HTTP responses 31-May-2021 12:05:35 . 14 min read Node.js Express tutorial to build a 1 page website step-by-step 19-May-2021 12:05:35 . 10 min read 20+ Software Engineering podcasts you should subscribe to now 14-Apr-2021 12:04:35 . 14 min read How Software Deployment tools have changed in the past 20 years 01-Apr-2021 10:04:37 . 11 min read 5 different ways to make HTTP requests with Node.js 29-Mar-2021 10:03:22 . 16 min read 10 JavaScript array functions you should start using today 15-Mar-2021 10:03:22 . 11 min read Kubernetes cron jobs: a hands-on guide to optimally configured crons 20-Feb-2021 11:02:22 . 11 min read How to use nodemon to restart your Node.js applications automatically and efficiently 15-Feb-2021 10:02:22 . 6 min read Javascript memoization: a practical example for better HTTP performance 12-Feb-2021 11:02:22 . 9 min read 5 Node.js Logging libraries compared for you to make the optimal choice 27-Jan-2021 11:01:22 . 17 min read 3 free Node.js hosting services you should be using today (with step-by-step deployment examples) 14-Jan-2021 11:01:22 . 11 min read Express Helmet: the must-have seatbelt for a secure Node.js application 08-Jan-2021 11:01:22 . 8 min read 5 useful PHPUnit Assertions you should start using today 03-Jan-2021 10:01:45 . 8 min read Node.js Postgresql tutorial: Build a simple REST API with Express step-by-step 01-Jan-2021 10:01:35 . 23 min read 2020Recap 2020: Review of the year with blogging, a side project, and other things 20-Dec-2020 11:12:35 . 8 min read Software Resilience: 7 must-have factors for healing from the unexpected 17-Dec-2020 11:12:35 . 9 min read 6 dev and operations factors to consider for software scalability to meet high demands 07-Dec-2020 09:12:25 . 13 min read How to make PHPUnit Code Coverage 2+ times faster with Pcov compared to Xdebug 27-Nov-2020 11:11:25 . 6 min read Node.js MySQL tutorial: a step-by-step getting started guide with Express js REST API 23-Nov-2020 12:11:25 . 26 min read How to use Docker with Node.js a step-by-step tutorial 20-Nov-2020 09:11:25 . 14 min read Node.js for PHP developers: 5 must-know pragmatic aspects with code examples 14-Nov-2020 12:11:25 . 16 min read 5 important reasons to choose Node.js for your microservices 11-Nov-2020 10:11:25 . 9 min read How to take a social media break, 4 steps to becoming successful at it 01-Nov-2020 11:11:25 . 10 min read Docker build example: how to go from slow to fast docker builds 24-Oct-2020 11:10:25 . 5 min read 3 must-have qualities of a great software engineer 12-Oct-2020 10:10:25 . 6 min read 5 free productivity software to make you more efficient 08-Oct-2020 11:10:25 . 7 min read How to start a tech startup for $0 with Google Cloud Platform and other services 05-Oct-2020 11:10:25 . 9 min read Create small pull requests by using enabler code last 02-Oct-2020 11:10:25 . 6 min read What is Agile software development? Explain it to me like I’m five 27-Sep-2020 05:09:29 . 6 min read How to outclass your competition in take-home coding challenges 20-Sep-2020 04:09:29 . 7 min read Working as a software engineer on internal product Vs a customer-facing one in E-commerce companies 08-Sep-2020 04:09:29 . 10 min read Vegeta load testing a quick primer with GET examples 06-Sep-2020 05:09:29 . 8 min read Things tech recruiters look for in your resume and the first interview part 2 24-Aug-2020 02:08:29 . 9 min read 5 benefits of pair programming you should know about 14-Jun-2020 20:06:47 . 6 min read JAMstack tutorial to create a website with just clicks and no code at all for free [Step by step] 19-Apr-2020 20:04:47 . 12 min read Static vs dynamic website with JAM stack website in between 12-Apr-2020 11:04:47 . 6 min read 5 tips to work from home productively 02-Apr-2020 14:04:25 . 5 min read Difference between backend, frontend, full-stack and super stack development 15-Feb-2020 16:02:59 . 7 min read 2019Repost your tech blog, get a larger audience without hurting SEO 31-Dec-2019 15:12:28 . 5 min read 2019 Year in Review 15-Dec-2019 14:12:29 . 6 min read How to get your pull request (PR) approved and merged quickly 02-Dec-2019 14:12:37 . 5 min read How to efficiently monitor Crons with a simple bash trick 27-Nov-2019 15:11:30 . 4 min read How to use docker multi-stage build to create optimal images for dev and production 25-Nov-2019 15:11:44 . 6 min read 5 compelling reasons to opt for serverless containers on Google Cloud Run 17-Nov-2019 15:11:38 . 8 min read From 0 to working Serverless URL for a Containerized app with Google Cloud Run [Slides and Video] 10-Nov-2019 02:11:17 . 3 min read How to run Symfony on Google Cloud Run with the demo app [Step-by-Step Guide] 03-Nov-2019 14:11:0 . 4 min read Laracon AU 2019 overall a good experience 01-Nov-2019 09:11:15 . 3 min read Set up Laravel 6 on Google Cloud Run step by step with Continuous Integration (CI) 21-Oct-2019 08:10:29 . 11 min read Logging best practices to get the most out of application level logging -- Slides 26-Mar-2019 09:03:43 . 3 min read Things tech recruiters look for in your resume and the first interview 17-Jan-2019 10:01:29 . 9 min read Getting started with debugging nodeJs applications with ndb 06-Jan-2019 00:01:36 . 5 min read 20182018 in review: 5 most viewed posts of this year 25-Dec-2018 07:12:50 . 4 min read The most important tip for beginner software engineers is... 21-Dec-2018 08:12:44 . 5 min read You can do it in SQL, stop writing extra code for that 14-Dec-2018 08:12:54 . 7 min read 9+ tech medium publications software engineers should strive to write for 05-Dec-2018 08:12:6 . 6 min read 4 ways Docker changed the way software engineers work in past 5 years 30-Nov-2018 22:11:51 . 4 min read 5 signs that reveal your software development process is agile only on paper and solutions for them 20-Nov-2018 09:11:22 . 6 min read Moving from A and B to 150 microservices, the journey, and learnings [Slides and Video] 26-Oct-2018 21:10:0 . 2 min read Deployment is not Release, let's use feature flags 25-Oct-2018 21:10:5 . 3 min read Don't code your microservice like a monolith, keep it maintainable not over-engineered 12-Oct-2018 04:10:7 . 5 min read Why use docker? 3 reasons from a development perspective 10-Oct-2018 04:10:22 . 4 min read Don't just learn a new language/framework, implement it as a running open source project 08-Oct-2018 04:10:26 . 5 min read 5 practical steps to land your first tech job 29-Sep-2018 05:09:58 . 7 min read How to do a zero downtime database (DB) migration (schema change) with a practical example 30-Apr-2018 18:04:41 . 4 min read 2017Convert your tech hiring funnel into an hour glass, retain tech talent 18-Aug-2017 16:08:5 . 4 min read Adopt a painless continuous delivery culture, add more business value [Slides] 02-Aug-2017 03:08:30 . 2 min read Software Companies Tech Competency Matrix 07-Jun-2017 12:06:57 . 2 min read How to use docker compose with virtual hosts and shared services (like db) for dev environment 24-May-2017 14:05:4 . 4 min read Things I wished I knew as a junior developer for Developers Nepal Meetup #4 [Slides and Video] 08-Feb-2017 03:02:35 . 2 min read 2016Different types of web hosting compared to housing types [Infographics] 29-Nov-2016 11:11:50 . 1 min read How to do a minimum viable feature switch, includes a simple code example 26-Sep-2016 05:09:5 . 4 min read Some useful resources and suggestions for tech conference speakers and aspiring speakers 14-Sep-2016 07:09:38 . 4 min read LaraconEU 2016 was a great experience overall 25-Aug-2016 03:08:3 . 5 min read Career paths for to be tech graduates [Slides] 28-Jun-2016 10:06:5 . 2 min read PHP Developers Nepal Meetup #16 a round up and my talk on simpilfied gitflow with slides 25-Jun-2016 11:06:35 . 2 min read 3 simple rules for less or no git conflicts 28-Apr-2016 06:04:43 . 4 min read Embrace chatOps, stop installing deployment software [Slides and Video] 03-Apr-2016 10:04:9 . 2 min read There are only two types of automated software tests, fast and not fast 17-Mar-2016 05:03:18 . 3 min read 10 software engineering proverbs/quotes I wrote in the past months 14-Mar-2016 11:03:20 . 4 min read Wercker CI the best CI/CD service is free till now, use it [Slides] 09-Mar-2016 05:03:8 . 1 min read 20153 weeklies every software engineer/developer should subscribe to 13-Nov-2015 09:11:35 . 3 min read Getting started with Laravel, MariaDB (MySQL) and docker, docker compose 24-Oct-2015 07:10:48 . 8 min read 4 pillars of a solid software application and tools to support it 10-Oct-2015 06:10:52 . 3 min read How to use simplified gitflow branching model [Video] 25-Sep-2015 13:09:23 . 2 min read The best automated deployment tool is... the one that fits your needs 29-Aug-2015 11:08:48 . 6 min read Building your next product, get your HTTP API working first 22-Aug-2015 10:08:22 . 4 min read Importance of logging in your applications, start logging today 08-Aug-2015 04:08:2 . 5 min read 5 Things to consider when deploying a new major feature to production 01-Aug-2015 10:08:19 . 4 min read Getting started with unit testing in Laravel 25-Jul-2015 04:07:42 . 7 min read 5 Things to do for your open source PHP projects, a checklist 18-Jul-2015 03:07:0 . 5 min read How to split a new feature into independent parts before coding it 04-Jul-2015 03:07:17 . 6 min read Software Engineering Practices in Nepal Infographics Part 4 includes PM Methodology and Software, testing frameworks and mobile apps 29-May-2015 03:05:59 . 1 min read Software Engineering Practices in Nepal Infographics Part 3 includes devOps, deployment, CI, logs monitoring etc 23-May-2015 05:05:2 . 2 min read Software Engineering Practices in Nepal Infographics Part 2 includes Git, VCS Hosting, Code Review Culture etc 22-May-2015 02:05:58 . 2 min read Software Engineering Practices in Nepal Infographics Part 1 includes Languages, Frameworks, IDEs etc 17-May-2015 12:05:29 . 2 min read 2014Do you git your code? Follow this simplified gitflow branching model to improve productivity 13-Dec-2014 03:12:40 . 2 min read How to become a better software company technically - slides and video 05-Dec-2014 04:12:28 . 2 min read Things I wished I knew while doing my tech bachelor / undergraduate (Slides and video) 30-Aug-2014 13:08:0 . 2 min read Basic overview of Message queues - Rabbit Mq with Symfony 2 (Slides and Talk video) 29-Aug-2014 15:08:0 . 3 min read 4 Git tips beyond the basics 28-Jul-2014 06:07:0 . 8 min read 3 Bundles to get started with REST in Symfony 2 and some tips 18-Jul-2014 06:07:0 . 5 min read Getting started with PHP (LEMP) on Vagrant, the easiest way 05-Jul-2014 10:07:0 . 8 min read 5 free apps to bootstrap your budding tech startup 20-Jun-2014 07:06:0 . 4 min read Ingredients of a great front end application with AngularJs 07-Feb-2014 13:02:0 . 4 min read Using PHPUnit data provider for less code and greater coverage 01-Feb-2014 07:02:0 . 4 min read 5 PHP development improvements rediscovered in 2013 10-Jan-2014 07:01:0 . 5 min read 2013Working as a software engineer for a dev shop with projects Vs a product company 08-Jun-2013 16:06:0 . 6 min read 5 amazing free productivity apps discovered in the past year 30-Mar-2013 05:03:0 . 3 min read 2012Git introduction and hands on usage guide for windows with msysgit 16-Feb-2012 08:02:0 . 2 min read 2011Drupal 7 must have modules, content type config and views intro [Slides] 21-Nov-2011 16:11:0 . 2 min read How to Install Drupal 7 and basic configs [Slides] 18-Nov-2011 05:11:0 . 1 min read Drupal CMS a technical introduction 31-Oct-2011 13:10:0 . 1 min read 5 + 5 very useful websites for every expat in the Netherlands 11-Sep-2011 10:09:0 . 7 min read 2010How to limit the time you spend on Facebook (FB) 31-Dec-2010 22:12:0 . 4 min read How about business intelligence at Bhat Bhatini 18-Oct-2010 09:10:0 . 3 min read Drupal a non technical introduction at BarCamp Kathmandu 2010 #barcampktm 28-Aug-2010 12:08:0 . 1 min read Chicken and egg problem with technology and development of a nation 04-Aug-2010 16:08:0 . 4 min read Recording the first YIPL podcast was a refreshing experience 03-Jun-2010 07:06:0 . 2 min read 7 Drupal Modules to improve SEO of your Drupal website 24-Apr-2010 16:04:0 . 5 min read 3 CodeIgniter libraries that will make your life easier (EzAuth, Ocular and DataMapper) 27-Mar-2010 05:03:0 . 3 min read 5 websites to list, showcase and promote your Drupal website 11-Mar-2010 16:03:0 . 4 min read Top X Contributors Drupal module to show top bloggers or authors of any popular content type 07-Mar-2010 14:03:0 . 2 min read Happy 3rd Birthday and my decade long web journey 13-Feb-2010 20:02:0 . 6 min read 2009Control book outline form and menu for specified Drupal node types 16-Nov-2009 01:11:0 . 4 min read Show Drupal blocks only on specific pages with PHP code 09-Nov-2009 03:11:0 . 4 min read Drupal is more popular than you may think 04-Oct-2009 02:10:0 . 2 min read First BarCamp Kathmandu #bcktm09 was energizing and revitalizing 09-Aug-2009 05:08:0 . 2 min read Drupal 7 Features to watch out for 01-Aug-2009 14:08:0 . 5 min read Drupal Meetup Kathmandu, the event to be in 12-Jul-2009 08:07:0 . 2 min read 5 great designed Drupal themes 23-Jun-2009 06:06:0 . 2 min read Tweak and create new drupal themes like a pro with Drupal 6 Themes 06-May-2009 12:05:0 . 3 min read Apply multiple Drupal themes for sections in a single Drupal website 01-Mar-2009 12:03:0 . 3 min read Random header image on page refresh (applicable to Drupal theme) 25-Feb-2009 15:02:0 . 2 min read 3 Drupal podcasts you must be a fool to miss 01-Feb-2009 05:02:0 . 3 min read Start learning PHP with slides and sample code 4 (Day 8-10), Learn PHP and MYSQL in 10 Days 13-Jan-2009 12:01:0 . 1 min read 2008Drupal defined for newbies 31-Dec-2008 10:12:0 . 7 min read Start learning PHP with slides and sample code 3 (Day 5-7) 29-Dec-2008 10:12:0 . 1 min read Taming Drupal Node Teaser and Node Title 2 (for custom content) 27-Dec-2008 12:12:0 . 3 min read Start learning PHP with slides and sample code 2 (Day 2-4) 23-Dec-2008 03:12:0 . 1 min read Start learning PHP with slides and sample code 16-Dec-2008 10:12:0 . 1 min read Solving Drupal site contact problems with contact forms 20-Nov-2008 14:11:0 . 3 min read 4 ways to develop your PHP website or web application {100th Post :-)} 15-Nov-2008 04:11:0 . 5 min read 5+ Suggestions to Top 7 out of standard Nepali websites 27-Oct-2008 02:10:0 . 5 min read Top 7 Nepali websites out of standards 14-Oct-2008 04:10:0 . 3 min read 5 Websites every blogger user should remember 09-Oct-2008 02:10:0 . 4 min read 5 Undermined Drupal Modules I have utilized 05-Oct-2008 03:10:0 . 4 min read Software Freedom Day (SFD) 2008 an "OK" affair 20-Sep-2008 14:09:0 . 3 min read 7 well designed Drupal Sites 28-Aug-2008 02:08:0 . 2 min read 5 Must subscribe Drupal RSS Feeds 27-Aug-2008 03:08:0 . 2 min read Dozen websites a Drupal User should not miss 25-Aug-2008 06:08:0 . 1 min read 5 Drupal themes I've worked on 08-Aug-2008 02:08:0 . 3 min read 10 must have Drupal Modules 22-Jul-2008 03:07:0 . 5 min read Taming Drupal Node Teaser and Node Title 27-Jun-2008 05:06:0 . 3 min read Giving out custom RSS from your Drupal Site 03-Apr-2008 03:04:0 . 3 min read Drupal How to downloaded 1000+ Times (My 50th Post) 23-Mar-2008 03:03:0 . 1 min read must for every Drupal user 10-Mar-2008 05:03:0 . 3 min read Drupal Experience Sharing at Prime College 24-Feb-2008 03:02:0 . 3 min read Getting multiple values from a single selection of a form. 21-Jan-2008 14:01:0 . 2 min read 2007Drupal How To: 550+ Downloads in 5 Weeks 27-Dec-2007 05:12:0 . 1 min read Santa make CSS fully Programmable 16-Dec-2007 03:12:0 . 3 min read Stylish Floating Login Box in Drupal 16-Dec-2007 02:12:0 . 2 min read YI's Durpal how to Makes news at CMS Wire 10-Dec-2007 05:12:0 . 3 min read 10 web-by things a technology student or you must know. 23-Nov-2007 04:11:0 . 10 min read Drupal HOW TO for Beginners and All 23-Nov-2007 03:11:0 . 2 min read Trying to define WEB 2.0 23-Mar-2007 16:03:0 . 4 min read
Recap 2024: Public Speaking, blogging, interviews, tech community work and other things 20-Dec-2024 10:12:45 . 10 min read
Enhance Your CV, LinkedIn, and GitHub Profile with Gemini 2.0 - Stream Realtime [includes video] 16-Dec-2024 10:12:45 . 5 min read
Unblocking Software Engineers: Overcoming Non-technical and Technical Roadblocks 12-Oct-2024 09:10:37 . 8 min read
How to mock Date in Jest: the easiest way without installing any extra NPM package 26-Sep-2024 08:09:37 . 9 min read
How to create a YouTube video chapters' timings generator using Gemini over Vertex AI 06-Sep-2024 08:09:37 . 7 min read
How to Use Jest each to Get More Code Coverage with Less Test Code 06-Jul-2024 11:07:37 . 11 min read
JavaScript Try Catch: A beginner-friendly introduction with useful examples 23-Jun-2024 11:06:37 . 9 min read
How to rename a column in Postgres, from a simple to a real-life example 26-May-2024 11:05:37 . 7 min read
How to use RabbitMQ with Docker and Docker Compose; a beginner’s guide 08-May-2024 11:05:47 . 6 min read
How to create an e-commerce product description generator using Gemini and Vertex AI 29-Apr-2024 10:04:47 . 10 min read
How to create a text summarizer API using Gemini on Vertex AI with Node.js a step-by-step guide [Part 2] 22-Feb-2024 12:02:42 . 14 min read
How to create a text summarizer using Gemini over Vertex AI with Node.js a step-by-step guide [Part 1] 21-Feb-2024 12:02:42 . 12 min read
How to use Google Cloud Shell Editor to deploy a project from GitHub to Cloud Run 22-Jan-2024 12:01:42 . 9 min read
2023 year in review: Blogging, public speaking, interviews, building communities, etc 26-Dec-2023 12:12:53 . 11 min read
Good software engineering is about finding a solution at the correct layer with boring technology 21-Dec-2023 12:12:53 . 7 min read
How to write and deploy a basic Node.js API with Duet AI on VS Code a step-by-step guide 18-Dec-2023 12:12:52 . 9 min read
Jest mock implementation: A beginner’s guide to replacing function implementation for tests 25-Nov-2023 11:11:54 . 12 min read
There are like nine actual full-stack engineers in the world, and you are NOT one of them 21-Oct-2023 11:10:57 . 9 min read
Setting up environment variables in Docker Compose an almost complete guide 28-Aug-2023 11:08:57 . 10 min read
How to use environment variables in Next.js (includes a working example app) 29-Jun-2023 11:06:52 . 13 min read
A beginner's guide to running Elasticsearch with Docker and Docker Compose 08-Jun-2023 12:06:52 . 12 min read
How to use class names NPM package to add multiple class names to a React.js component 17-Apr-2023 12:04:52 . 20 min read
A comprehensive guide to Serverless Containers includes 3 services to run them 11-Apr-2023 12:04:52 . 15 min read
How to run MongoDB with Docker and Docker Compose a Step-by-Step guide 29-Mar-2023 12:03:52 . 9 min read
A step-by-step guide to using Inquirer.js for creating a CLI app in Node.js 25-Mar-2023 12:03:57 . 18 min read
5 similarities between software systems and being married (read with a pinch of salt) 22-Feb-2023 11:02:55 . 8 min read
How to use LIKE in PostgreSQL a beginner’s guide with practical examples 17-Jan-2023 11:01:55 . 11 min read
How to use Next.js with Docker and Docker compose a beginner's guide 08-Jan-2023 12:01:55 . 8 min read
Review of 2022: Recap of blogging, talks, an interview, and other things 25-Dec-2022 12:12:47 . 11 min read
How to run multiple NPM commands simultaneously using concurrently 19-Sep-2022 12:09:52 . 14 min read
101 software engineering realities you must be aware of (especially as a junior engineer) 09-Sep-2022 12:09:32 . 14 min read
Things tech recruiters look for in your resume and first interview part 3 30-Aug-2022 12:08:32 . 15 min read
How to wait 1 second in JavaScript (using setTimeout, Promise, and Delay) 05-Aug-2022 12:08:32 . 10 min read
Using Jest toHaveBeenCalledWith for testing primitive data types and partial objects 29-Jul-2022 12:07:42 . 17 min read
JavaScript: Return multiple values from a function call with code examples 23-Jul-2022 11:07:35 . 6 min read
Using Jest beforeEach to write better unit tests in JavaScript, with code example 18-Jun-2022 08:06:45 . 13 min read
10 useful Docker commands to get things done with a real-life example 14-May-2022 11:05:45 . 23 min read
Using Node.js readline to create a basic CLI app with Async await example 25-Mar-2022 11:03:55 . 8 min read
Using Redis with docker and docker-compose for local development a step-by-step tutorial 02-Jan-2022 11:01:55 . 8 min read
2021 year in review: Recap of blogging, an interview, talks, and other things 27-Dec-2021 11:12:52 . 7 min read
Postgres with Docker and Docker compose a step-by-step guide for beginners 25-Dec-2021 11:12:55 . 9 min read
The difference in mindset needed for a stable software product vs a new feature/project 27-Nov-2021 11:11:45 . 6 min read
A mini tech startup (side project) that earned in terms of life-changing first full-time tech jobs, not money 27-Jun-2021 12:06:35 . 10 min read
Kubernetes cron jobs: a hands-on guide to optimally configured crons 20-Feb-2021 11:02:22 . 11 min read
How to use nodemon to restart your Node.js applications automatically and efficiently 15-Feb-2021 10:02:22 . 6 min read
Javascript memoization: a practical example for better HTTP performance 12-Feb-2021 11:02:22 . 9 min read
5 Node.js Logging libraries compared for you to make the optimal choice 27-Jan-2021 11:01:22 . 17 min read
3 free Node.js hosting services you should be using today (with step-by-step deployment examples) 14-Jan-2021 11:01:22 . 11 min read
Express Helmet: the must-have seatbelt for a secure Node.js application 08-Jan-2021 11:01:22 . 8 min read
Node.js Postgresql tutorial: Build a simple REST API with Express step-by-step 01-Jan-2021 10:01:35 . 23 min read
Recap 2020: Review of the year with blogging, a side project, and other things 20-Dec-2020 11:12:35 . 8 min read
Software Resilience: 7 must-have factors for healing from the unexpected 17-Dec-2020 11:12:35 . 9 min read
6 dev and operations factors to consider for software scalability to meet high demands 07-Dec-2020 09:12:25 . 13 min read
How to make PHPUnit Code Coverage 2+ times faster with Pcov compared to Xdebug 27-Nov-2020 11:11:25 . 6 min read
Node.js MySQL tutorial: a step-by-step getting started guide with Express js REST API 23-Nov-2020 12:11:25 . 26 min read
Node.js for PHP developers: 5 must-know pragmatic aspects with code examples 14-Nov-2020 12:11:25 . 16 min read
How to take a social media break, 4 steps to becoming successful at it 01-Nov-2020 11:11:25 . 10 min read
How to start a tech startup for $0 with Google Cloud Platform and other services 05-Oct-2020 11:10:25 . 9 min read
Working as a software engineer on internal product Vs a customer-facing one in E-commerce companies 08-Sep-2020 04:09:29 . 10 min read
Things tech recruiters look for in your resume and the first interview part 2 24-Aug-2020 02:08:29 . 9 min read
JAMstack tutorial to create a website with just clicks and no code at all for free [Step by step] 19-Apr-2020 20:04:47 . 12 min read
Difference between backend, frontend, full-stack and super stack development 15-Feb-2020 16:02:59 . 7 min read
How to use docker multi-stage build to create optimal images for dev and production 25-Nov-2019 15:11:44 . 6 min read
5 compelling reasons to opt for serverless containers on Google Cloud Run 17-Nov-2019 15:11:38 . 8 min read
From 0 to working Serverless URL for a Containerized app with Google Cloud Run [Slides and Video] 10-Nov-2019 02:11:17 . 3 min read
How to run Symfony on Google Cloud Run with the demo app [Step-by-Step Guide] 03-Nov-2019 14:11:0 . 4 min read
Set up Laravel 6 on Google Cloud Run step by step with Continuous Integration (CI) 21-Oct-2019 08:10:29 . 11 min read
Logging best practices to get the most out of application level logging -- Slides 26-Mar-2019 09:03:43 . 3 min read
Things tech recruiters look for in your resume and the first interview 17-Jan-2019 10:01:29 . 9 min read
9+ tech medium publications software engineers should strive to write for 05-Dec-2018 08:12:6 . 6 min read
4 ways Docker changed the way software engineers work in past 5 years 30-Nov-2018 22:11:51 . 4 min read
5 signs that reveal your software development process is agile only on paper and solutions for them 20-Nov-2018 09:11:22 . 6 min read
Moving from A and B to 150 microservices, the journey, and learnings [Slides and Video] 26-Oct-2018 21:10:0 . 2 min read
Don't code your microservice like a monolith, keep it maintainable not over-engineered 12-Oct-2018 04:10:7 . 5 min read
Don't just learn a new language/framework, implement it as a running open source project 08-Oct-2018 04:10:26 . 5 min read
How to do a zero downtime database (DB) migration (schema change) with a practical example 30-Apr-2018 18:04:41 . 4 min read
Convert your tech hiring funnel into an hour glass, retain tech talent 18-Aug-2017 16:08:5 . 4 min read
Adopt a painless continuous delivery culture, add more business value [Slides] 02-Aug-2017 03:08:30 . 2 min read
How to use docker compose with virtual hosts and shared services (like db) for dev environment 24-May-2017 14:05:4 . 4 min read
Things I wished I knew as a junior developer for Developers Nepal Meetup #4 [Slides and Video] 08-Feb-2017 03:02:35 . 2 min read
Different types of web hosting compared to housing types [Infographics] 29-Nov-2016 11:11:50 . 1 min read
How to do a minimum viable feature switch, includes a simple code example 26-Sep-2016 05:09:5 . 4 min read
Some useful resources and suggestions for tech conference speakers and aspiring speakers 14-Sep-2016 07:09:38 . 4 min read
PHP Developers Nepal Meetup #16 a round up and my talk on simpilfied gitflow with slides 25-Jun-2016 11:06:35 . 2 min read
Embrace chatOps, stop installing deployment software [Slides and Video] 03-Apr-2016 10:04:9 . 2 min read
There are only two types of automated software tests, fast and not fast 17-Mar-2016 05:03:18 . 3 min read
Getting started with Laravel, MariaDB (MySQL) and docker, docker compose 24-Oct-2015 07:10:48 . 8 min read
The best automated deployment tool is... the one that fits your needs 29-Aug-2015 11:08:48 . 6 min read
5 Things to consider when deploying a new major feature to production 01-Aug-2015 10:08:19 . 4 min read
Software Engineering Practices in Nepal Infographics Part 4 includes PM Methodology and Software, testing frameworks and mobile apps 29-May-2015 03:05:59 . 1 min read
Software Engineering Practices in Nepal Infographics Part 3 includes devOps, deployment, CI, logs monitoring etc 23-May-2015 05:05:2 . 2 min read
Software Engineering Practices in Nepal Infographics Part 2 includes Git, VCS Hosting, Code Review Culture etc 22-May-2015 02:05:58 . 2 min read
Software Engineering Practices in Nepal Infographics Part 1 includes Languages, Frameworks, IDEs etc 17-May-2015 12:05:29 . 2 min read
Do you git your code? Follow this simplified gitflow branching model to improve productivity 13-Dec-2014 03:12:40 . 2 min read
How to become a better software company technically - slides and video 05-Dec-2014 04:12:28 . 2 min read
Things I wished I knew while doing my tech bachelor / undergraduate (Slides and video) 30-Aug-2014 13:08:0 . 2 min read
Basic overview of Message queues - Rabbit Mq with Symfony 2 (Slides and Talk video) 29-Aug-2014 15:08:0 . 3 min read
Working as a software engineer for a dev shop with projects Vs a product company 08-Jun-2013 16:06:0 . 6 min read
Drupal 7 must have modules, content type config and views intro [Slides] 21-Nov-2011 16:11:0 . 2 min read
Drupal a non technical introduction at BarCamp Kathmandu 2010 #barcampktm 28-Aug-2010 12:08:0 . 1 min read
3 CodeIgniter libraries that will make your life easier (EzAuth, Ocular and DataMapper) 27-Mar-2010 05:03:0 . 3 min read
Top X Contributors Drupal module to show top bloggers or authors of any popular content type 07-Mar-2010 14:03:0 . 2 min read
Apply multiple Drupal themes for sections in a single Drupal website 01-Mar-2009 12:03:0 . 3 min read
Start learning PHP with slides and sample code 4 (Day 8-10), Learn PHP and MYSQL in 10 Days 13-Jan-2009 12:01:0 . 1 min read
4 ways to develop your PHP website or web application {100th Post :-)} 15-Nov-2008 04:11:0 . 5 min read