A big earthquake hit Nepal on 25-Apr-2015 and another big one was felt on 12-May-2015. The aftershocks till now have been around 250. I pray that all the people in Nepal have the strength and positive energy to endure this difficult time. Rather than pitying on themselves, people have already started to work and this is a positive sign. Moreover, instead of spreading false news and rumors I would suggest people to focus on positive things, stay alert and cautious.
I had some time so I setup a survey to know the software engineering practices used in Nepal and in the past 2 weeks there are 90 responses from the survey. Below is the first infographics in the series to showcase the software engineering practices used in Nepal ranging from Computer Languages, Project Management technique and software to Deployment practices.
Data for this infographics is taken from this survey, I kindly request you to fill it.
The Infographic below covers details of Language, Framework, IDE, Company Size, Male to Female Ratio and some other data extracted from the responses. A special thanks to Ashish Singh for helping me clean up and compile the data in a better way.

You can view this infographics in interactive mode too.
If you enjoyed viewing the infographics, I again request to fill up the survey if you have not filled it up yet.
Thanks to everyone filling up the survey even in such dire conditions in Nepal. I hope to get some more responses so that the next infographics in this series will have more data. #prayForNepal #stayStrongNepal