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Git or a similar VCS is the backbone for code collaboration in a multi-developers environment. When you follow a proper branch naming convention, git branching and merging can also be tied to an issue flow for better project management.

Source code Version Control System (VCS) and automated testing open doors to other great software quality and delivery practices like continuous integration, and automated deployment etc. Amongst various version control system software git is a distributed system that is very popular and easy to use once you get used to it.

Last week when I was in Kathmandu, Nepal I did a talk at Prime College, the college where I did my bachelor (undergraduate) and my Plus 2. The talk was about "Things I wished I knew while doing my bachelor / undergraduate".

This talk was about how to use your bachelor to craft your tech career. I started with what I have done and some examples of where my friends have reached. Then I focused on things to consider for selecting and doing projects for technical subjects in bachelor study.
Exactly a week ago, I was in Kathmandu, Nepal my hometown where I attended the 12th edition of PHP Developers Meetup organized by PHP Developers Nepal at Leapfrog Technology, Hattiban, Lalitpur.

The talk on Message Queue (Rabbit MQ and Symfony 2)

Not only did I attend the event I also presented a talk on "Message Queues - A basic overview" where I talk about how we are using Rabbit Mq at Namshi. There was no code examples, it was a plain experience sharing of how we use Rabbit Mq with Symfony 2 with the RabbitMq Budle. There was a good overview of how and where we use Rabbit Mq for scalability and reliability.
What is common between Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and Linked in? If you are looking for the answer its Git the Distributed Version Control System (DVCS) that has simplified software revision control. Its major features are speed and performance combined with ease of use provided you know the basic git concepts.

If you are new to git you should read some getting started tutorials or if you have used SVN you should read migrating to git. For the audience of this post, I assume that you are already using git for some time and are familiar with concepts like commit, push a branch, pull changes from remote repository, merging a branch to "master" and similar daily things that git users normally do.

Git is a lot more popular than SVN or Mercurial. If you take check Google trends in the past 5 years (July 2009 - July 2014) in Internet and Telecom category, git it twice or move as popular as the other two:

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