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I write about software engineering technical articles around programming, best practises and trending tech stacks. Subscribe to my newsletter to make sure you don't miss anything.

TypeScript has emerged as a powerful tool that brings static typing to JavaScript, enhancing code maintainability and reducing bugs. One of TypeScript's features that significantly contributes to code clarity and organization is Enum, short for enumeration. In this blog post, you will learn more about Enums in TypeScript, why and how to use them, let’s get going!

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the importance of good software engineering cannot be overstated. It's the core of efficient, scalable, and maintainable software solutions. While there are various methodologies and practices, a key aspect often overlooked is the art of finding the right solution at the correct layer and level of abstraction. On top of that, reliable software systems are best built with boring technology. You will learn more about these topics in this post, let’s get started!

As developers, we constantly dance between writing code, managing infrastructure, and keeping tabs on deployment and logs. Wouldn't having an AI teammate that simplifies these tasks be amazing? Duet AI is a Google AI tool that acts as your coding buddy and streamlines the development process, for most applications including Node.js. In this post, you will learn how to use Duet AI to write a simple Node.js API application and deploy it on Google Cloud Run.

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