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Tests check that the code does what it is expected to do. It also gives confidence to the software engineer that the code works as intended. This equates to less or no bugs in the software. You must have heard about lots of types of automated software tests. There is unit testing, integration testing, functional testing, acceptance testing, smoke testing etc. As per Guru99's post there are more than 100 types of software testing. In this post I am going to categorize automated software tests into two, the fast ones and not fast ones.

In the past months, I was tweeting some insightful and enlightening software engineering proverbs. Like the one below

I browsed through my twitter timeline and collected them in one place.

Being updated is an important need for all technology professionals. These days, there are many ways to get updated and we are at times overwhelmed with the things we read. To help this situations, and get a rundown of a curated list of links to read for any topic is subscribe to a weekly.

Weeklies are compact and organized list of links with articles, podcasts, videos etc. They are focused to a related to a topic, technology, language or framework delivered to you email inbox each week. This post curates a list of 3 weeklies for all software engineer/developers. The main 3 weeklies are language and framework agnostic. Towards the end there is mention of some language, framework and CMS specific weeklies.

More posts can be found in the archive.

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