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Docker has been popular in the technology space in the past 5 years is an understatement. It has exploded in usage and popularity in half a decade. Containers have taken us by storm. Newer applications without containerization feel like it is missing something. Docker has stood out to be the king in the container arena. This post details the reasons to use Docker for your development environment.

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” ― Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics. Imagine you already read 3 books about cycling. Then someone gave you a cycle and asked to ride it, will you be able to ride it? The simple answer is "No". It is not about how much have you read about cycling or how many videos did you watch about it. It is about getting on a cycle, balancing on it, learning the feet, hands and eye co-ordination. Same goes for learning a new tech skill, a new language or framework.

"If you hate your job, take a loan and you will start liking it". I don't remember where I read this but this sounds convincing. Now think of the tech job market worldwide, saying it is growing would be an understatement, it is booming. Still, why don't fresh graduates not get a job when they pass out of universities? Let's have a closer look at this issue and try to help technology students get a job as soon as their course finishes.

Sometimes I feel that the software company (YIPL) we started a decade back is turning into a software engineer factory. We take in fresh grads or junior software engineers, train them, mentor them. When they get the skills after 6-9 months and are ready to be productive to the company they move to a bigger and technically better software company. This is a common story in Kathmandu Tech Scene. I am not blaming people moving jobs in tech but I think, there is a fundamental flaw in the process and system itself. In this blog post I will unveil a tech hiring funnel we follow for a few tech startups in Kathmandu. It will also contain some of my thoughts on how to retain tech talent by converting the funnel into an hour glass.

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