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Two days back surfing through I stumbled upon Using Drupal for past 1 year + I was consistently in search of a website that reviewed Drupal modules except of the information given in the download page or the module’s page at To my happy surprise after finding (A site to test Drupal themes in live environment with content), I clicked through this astounding website. It is owned and operated by John Forsythe and designed by Blamcast.
Being associated with Prime College from the past 6 years I’ve had good and ok memories attached with my college. Yesterday (23rd Feb 2008) after being postponed from an earlier date I conducted an experience sharing session at my colleges’ lab. With 21 participants mainly from the current BIM 7th Semester and some from BIM 5th semester as well the experience sharing went ok. Why ok, because I couldn’t deliver what I had planned for and also because of the following things.
Christmas is around 10 days away, here is my wish to Santa.

Dear Santa,
Sometimes I think why is Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) not fully programmable like other programming languages? I'll be glad if this Christmas you can gift us (whole web designing and programming fraternity) something like CSS 2.0 or CSS++. That will largely simplify the way we do CSS. I hope you devise someting that will make all the webpages we develop look same in all the browers though it is Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape and we don't ever have to use

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