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I’ll not start this blog post with what Drupal is, how good it is blah blah. I’ve posted things about Drupal on many aspects this will not be a tutorial kind post as others but here is a list and feature of five of the themes I like to start to build my own theme or have worked with in the past.
Drupal is one of the most flexible, modular and customizable open source Content Management System (CMS) powering thousands of websites (my list here). It is not only easy to kick start a site using Drupal but advantageous in numerous ways, primary the seamlessly pluggable modules and themes make Drupal an obvious choice. Drupal 6 is out and being widely used but modules of Drupal 5 have not been fully transformed to Drupal 6.

Here are 10 must have modules in your Drupal 5 site to have solid base for your site. Let’s divide the 10 modules in three parts: create the nodes, add some jazz and finally protect and administer.The first four modules are to create your nodes effectively, then add some jazz to the created modules with the next four modules then protect your site from spam and fast and effort free administration. The list and description of the modules are as follows:

You might be wondering what is the use of this article / tutorial when Drupal system of handling title and teasers is so good and there are modules like node teaser to customize the teaser as per your need. But lets picture a scenario you are developing a website with a custom front page (required by majority of websites) so you have created your page-front.tpl.php and created a panel kicking out your left and right sidebar selection and example below.
Recently I ran into a problem where by I had to give out RSS of the Forum only from a DRUPAL 5 site, as the website was forum centered but it had blogs also. So when I first used the default rss.xml like ( it gave out all the update not only the updated of the Forum that I wanted. I even tried another RSS source but it also had the same output. So problem is: giving out RSS of Forum only, how to do that?

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