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I write about software engineering technical articles around programming, best practises and trending tech stacks. Subscribe to my newsletter to make sure you don't miss anything.

The web has been around for a while now. I have been building websites for 20 years now and I started by building static websites. Later I worked on many dynamic websites and web applications. This post is a quick rundown on the major difference between dynamic and static websites. There are some details about the JAM (Javascript API and Markup) stack. It also has some explanation of the technologies and costs associated with each of the 3 options.

2020 is a year of unprecedented things. COVID-19 (coronavirus) has already infected more than 1.7 million people worldwide and it is not slowing down. Because of the mandatory quarantine and social distancing, many people are working from home for the first time in their lives. I have worked from home 3 days a week for 8 months out of the last 12 months. It was like switching to a full 5 days a week mode from 60%. Some people now have worked days or weeks from home, so this post will unveil 5 actionable things to work from home productively and more efficiently.

I looked at and found a website I put live in 2001, which means I have been writing some code for 20 years. Of course, I am not going to give a link to that website still it will be safe to mention 20 years back in Kathmandu when people didn’t have an email I had built websites. I uploaded it over a 33.8k modem with a dial-up connection. Kids these days will not even know the sound of that modem (yes I am old).

Coming back to the topic, this is an “oversimplified” guide to showing the difference between backend, frontend, full-stack, and (in my own terms) super stack development of course, with a web development focus. Let’s get started.

If blogging is one of your goals for 2020 you are reading the right blog post. Setting goals for a new year is a lot better than resolutions as goal setting is proactive whereas resolutions give out a reactive connotation. Anyhow, in this post we are going to find out about websites where you should repost your tech blog content that will fetch more audience to your content and will not hamper the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) of your website.

This is the first time I am writing a recap of a year after getting inspired by some amazing recaps. This post is a look back on all the professional things I did this year and a hint to what’s coming in 2020. Last year I did 5 most popular posts on my blog, this year is a look back at 2019. Let’s jump to the highlights:

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