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Working on software systems is usually a complex process if not a complicated one. In this post, I am going to highlight the key differences between working for internal software and customer-facing applications with examples related to E-commerce. I have worked with both internal products and customer-facing applications in the past 8 and a half years. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Load testing is an important part of releasing a reliable API or application. Vegeta load testing will give you the confidence that the application will work well under a defined load. In this post, we will discuss how to use Vegeta for your load testing needs with some GET request examples. As it is just a go binary it is much easier to set up and use than you think, let's get started.

Applied to many jobs and haven't heard back? Not sure what is missing in your resume. Could not make that first impression in the initial interview? Then you must read forward. In this post, three tech recruiters from Sydney's well-known companies unveil things they look for in a CV and points they evaluate in the initial interview. You will know how to make that first impression with your CV and initial interview from a tech recruiter's view. As a bonus, there are tips for finding jobs in a pandemic, carry on reading.

There are proven benefits of pair programming you and your team can take advantage of. I have been pair programming here and there for some years now. I have pair programmed with engineers senior to me as well as software engineers junior to me. Every time while pair programming I have learned something new from the other person regardless of my colleague’s programming experience. I believe you and your team can also reap these rewards of pair programming, let’s get started.

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