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I write about software engineering technical articles around programming, best practises and trending tech stacks. Subscribe to my newsletter to make sure you don't miss anything.

Reading a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file in Node.js is a common task for web developers, especially those working with backend and server-side applications. This tutorial will guide you through the process, breaking down the steps to efficiently read JSON files using both the native Node.js fs module and the fs-extra npm package. Let's dive into the world of JSON file handling and equip you with the knowledge to tackle this task seamlessly!

Writing code is a small part of your job as a software engineer. You will also be communicating and managing expectations. In this post, you will learn about where software engineers get blocked while executing a task and how you (as a product person) can unblock them. You will also figure out ways to unblock yourself as a software engineer. Let’s get started!

When writing unit tests for your JavaScript code, especially when dealing with time-dependent functionalities, it's crucial to control and mock the behavior of the native Date object. This ensures that your tests are deterministic and produce consistent results regardless of the current date and time. In this guide, you'll learn the easiest way to mock Date in Jest without installing any extra NPM packages. This approach leverages Jest's built-in mocking capabilities with Fake timers and setting the system date, making it simple and efficient to control the time within your tests. Let’s get started!

While watching a long YouTube video have you felt like it would have been great to have relevant chapters? Especially for long podcasts or talks, you want to jump to the part that is most important and relevant to you but you need to pull the progress bar here and there to get to the crucial part. In this blog post, you will create a YouTube video chapters timing generator using Google’s Gemini LLM over Vertex AI, let’s get going!

The PostgreSQL database, lovingly known as Postgres, is a powerful open-source database management system. Developers adore it for its robustness, reliability, and expressive SQL (Structured Query Language) capabilities. Often, when working with Postgres, you'll need to insert multiple rows into a table. While the single-row INSERT statement might be the first thing that pops into your mind, there are more efficient approaches when dealing with large amounts of data. In this blog post, you will dive deep into two powerful methods that can significantly streamline the process of inserting multiple rows in Postgres. Let's get started!

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