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I have been writing code in some form for more than 20 years now. I have been a software engineer by trade since 2007. Repeatedly, I find myself discussing the same points with multiple people interested in software engineering and web development, mostly junior engineers. So, in this post, I am going to list 101 software engineering realities (experiences moreover) that you can read and possibly learn from, here it goes.

Have you applied to 10s of tech jobs and never heard back from anyone? Are you sure that your resume does its main job of getting that first call from the recruiter? Do you want to know what tech recruiters look for in the initial call? If any of your answers were yes, you must read this post.

In this piece, you will hear from three amazing tech recruiters from Sydney’s popular companies reveal the secrets behind a great resume and acing that initial call with the recruiter. Stay tuned!

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