Drupal 7.9 released around a month back and it was when I created theses slides. Its very basic but focuses on linux (Ubuntu) it should not be very different from windows ;). It was developed for YIPLites.The Slides:I hope it helps you get started with Drupal 7 ;). ...
I am back to Kathmandu and back to Drupal. Even after doing information analysis, data modeling, verbalizing requirements, some Business intelligence I like doing Drupal. Drupal is simply the best content management system and Drupal 7 has a lot of things to offer and I am experiencing some of the...
Its been almost a year now I have been here in Arnhem, Netherlands, though people mistakenly call this country Holland it is not. Why is Holland wrong get the differences in this post. Moreover my stay here has been good, I like the green all round, fresh air, the on time and very well connected t...
Its been more that 3 months I've been here in a new country, far from home, family and friends the first thing I do as soon as I wake up is get hooked on to Facebook and read some news about my country Nepal. Back home I was not a very active Facebook user but now its different.Facebook i...
When I was in Kathmandu, Nepal there was one place I liked to shop, par comparison it was a my first choice to buy things. No points for guessing it was Bhat Bhatini super market. Two days back I was studying data warehousing and Business Intelligence (BI) it has a typical example o...
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